Martti Koskenniemi
From the Editor-in-Chief
Judge C.F. Amerasinghe
The Legality of the Use of or Threat to Use Nuclear Weapons | 5
Kati Kulovesi
Legality or Otherwise? Nuclear Weapons and the Strategy of Non Liquet | 55
Outi Korhonen
On Strategizing Justiciability in International Law | 91
Inger Österdahl
The Continued Relevance of Collective Security Under the UN: The Security Council: Regional Organizations and the General Assembly | 103
Christopher Greenwood
Humanitarian Intervention: The Case of Kosovo | 141
Martti Koskenniemi
Kosovo etc.: Beyond the Limits of International Law? | 177
Katariina Simonen
Internal Conflicts and Protection of Fundamental Human Rights as an Obligation erga omnes 191
Jarna Petman
Fighting the Evil with International Economic Sanctions | 209
Susanna Sariola
Reconciling the Freedom of Trade and Environmental Protection in the Framework of the GATT/WTO | 231
Anu Piilola
Is There a Need for Multinational Competition Rules? | 263
Kimmo Nuotio
Transforming International Law and Obligations into Finnish Criminal Legislation — Dragon’s Eggs and Criminal Law Irritants | 325
Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark
Reservation Issues in the Mixed Agreements of the European Community | 351
Taina Susiluoto
The Complex Future of US-Russian Nuclear Weapons Relations and Reductions | 389
Vernon Nase
International Aviation and the Liability for Mental Injury: ‘Is the Best Really the Enemy of the Good?’ | 409
Book Reviews & Comments
Connie Peck & Roy S. Lee (eds), Increasing the Effectiveness of the International Court of Justice, Proceedings of the ICJ/UNITAR Colloquim to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Court, The Peace Palace, 16–18 April 1996 (Ruth Donner) | 427
Thomas D. Musgrave, Self-Determination and National Minorities (James J. Summers) | 429
Mauno Koivisto, Witness to History: The Memoirs of Mauno Koivisto, President of Finland 1982–1994 (Jan Klabbers) | 432
Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, Svensk domstol och utländsk rätt: en internationellt privat- och processrättlig studie (Heikki E. S. Mattila) | 436
Matti Tupamäki, Valtion rikosoikeudellisen toimivallan ulottuvuus kansainvälisessä oikeudessa (Jan Klabbers) | 439
Joshua Castellino, International Law and Self-Determination: The Interplay of the Politics of Territorial Possession with Formulations of Post-Colonial ‘National’ Identity (James J. Summers) | 447
Michael Byers, Custom, Power and the Power of Rules: International Relations and Customary International Law (Jan Klabbers) | 451
Biojurisprudence? A Comment to Professor Tokarczyck (Juha-Pekka Rentto) | 455
Recent Developments and State Practice
Lauri Hannikainen
Has Civilian Service Become Punitive in Character since the Changes to the Terms of Military Service in Finland? | 463
International Treaties Which Have Entered into Force for Finland in 1999 | 469