Volume 14 (2003)


Matthew Craven
Unity, Diversity and the Fragmentation of International Law | 3

Outi Korhonen
The Problem of Representation and the Iraqi Elections | 35

Inger Österdahl
Relatively Failed: Troubled Statehood and International Law | 49

Christoph Burchard
Puzzles and Solutions: Appreciating Carl Schmitt’s Work on International Law as Answers to the Dilemmas of his Weimar Political Theory | 89

Viljam Engström
Implied Powers of International Organizations: On the Character of a Legal Doctrine | 129

Samuel de Jaegere
The ‘Belgian Thesis’ Revisited: United Nations Member States’ Obligation to Develop Autonomy for Indigenous Peoples | 159

Tuula Kolari
Constructing Non-Compliance Systems into International Environmental Agreements: A Rise of Enforcement Doctrine with Credible Sanctions Needed? | 205

Tapio Puurunen
International Online Dispute Resolution: Caveats to Privatizing Justice | 233

James Summers
The Status of Self-determination in International Law: A Question of Legal Significance or Political Importance? | 271

Michel Béniard
La médiation officieuse: la specificité des bons offices dans la gamme des procédures non juridictionelles de règlement pacifique des différends | 295

Timo Koivurova
The Importance of International Environmental Law in the Arctic | 341

Book Reviews & Review Articles

Jan Klabbers, An Introduction to International Institutional Law (Viljam Engström) | 355

Karen Knop, Diversity and Self-determination in International Law (James Summer) | 358

Kimmo Nuotio (ed.), Europe in Search of Meaning and Purpose (Tobias Bräutigam) | 365

Michael Freeman, Human Righs: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Miia Halme) | 369