Symposium: National Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Foreword | 3
Matthias Goldmann
Implementing the Rome Statute in Europe: From Sovereign Distinction to Convergence in International Criminal Law? | 5
Mirela Shuteriqi
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania | 31
Magdalena Forowicz
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium | 55
Rain Liivoja, René Värk and Merri Kastemäe
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia | 79
Jussi Ohisalo
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland | 103
Martin Heß, Nandor Knust and Christine Schuon
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany | 133
Paola Sacchi and Silvia Borelli
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Italy | 163
Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia | 197
Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher
Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom | 235
Tobias Bräutigam
Comparative Law and the US Supreme Court: Roper v. Simmons and the Quest for Theory | 261
Linda Johanna Friman
War and Peace in Outer Space: A Review of the Legality of the Weaponization of Outer Space in the Light of the Prohibition on Non-Peaceful Purposes | 285
Jan Klabbers
Reflections on Soft International Law in a Privatized World | 313
James O’Connor
US Neoconservatism and the Rule of Radical Occasionalism – Carl Schmitt’s War on Terror? | 329
Aurel Sari
The Danish Cartoons Row: Re-Drawing the Limits of the Right to Freedom of Expression? | 365
Book Reviews & Review Articles
Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner, The Limits of International Law (Jan Klabbers) | 401
Deborah Z. Cass, The Constitutionalization of the World Trade Organization. Legitimacy, Democracy, and Community in the International Trading System (Kati Kulovesi) | 407
China Miéville, Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory of International Law (Anne Orford) | 416
María José Falcón y Tella (ed.), Anuario Derechos Humanos. Nueva Época. Vols 3 and 4 (Mónica García-Salmones) | 428
New Finnish Doctoral Dissertations in International Law
Pamela Slotte
Mänskliga rättigheter, moral och religion – Om de mänskliga rättigheterna som moraliskt och juridiskt begrepp i en pluralistisk värld [Human Rights, Morality and Religion – On Human Rights as a Moral and Legal Concept in a Pluralistic World] (English Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation defended 5 December 2005) | 438
Statement by Lars Østnor | 450
Päivi Gynther
From Utopia to Quintessence: Education Law from the Viewpoint of Roma and Skills Deficiency (English Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation defended 1 September 2006) | 453
Statement by Manfred Nowak | 464