Volume 5 (1994)


Veijo Heiskanen
Jurisdiction v. Competence: Revisiting a Frequently Neglected Distinction

Malcolm N. Shaw
State Succession Revisited

L. C. Green
What Is — Why Is There — The Law of War?

Vladimir-Djuro Degan
Unilateral Act as a Source of Particular International Law

Jan Klabbers
Informal Agreements in International Law: Towards a Theoretical Framework

Ruth Donner
Some Recent Caselaw Concerning State Immunity Before National Courts

Shorter Articles, Notes and Comments

Christoph Antons
Analysing Asian Law: the Need for a General Analytical Concept

Annele Saikkala
Aliens as Offenders and Victims in the Finnish Legal System

Omer Y. Elagab
The Human Rights Situation in the Sudan: the Violation of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

George Maude
Development and Human Rights

Special Topic

Marc Weller
Terminating Armed Intervention in Civil War: The Afghanistan Peace Accords of 1988, 1991 and 1993