Volume 6 (1995)


Barbara Kwiatkowska
New Zealand v. France Nuclear Tests Case: The “Little Big” Order of the International Court of Justice of 22 September 1995

Hossein Piran
Indirect Expropriation in the Case Law of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal

Tullio Treves
The Expansion of the World Community and Membership of the United Nations

Piero Vittorio Valabrega
Invoking the Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Italian Supreme Criminal Court

Christel Hägglund
Military Action by the United Nations

Edward Gordon
Salverte’s Ode

Said Mahmoudi
Subsidiarity and the Environment Reflections on the Exercise of Legislative Power by the EC and the Member States

Shorter Articles, Notes and Comments

Peter Iiskola
The International Space Station “Alpha”: Aspects of the Legal Regime, Intellectual Property and Criminal Law in the IGA Agreement

Timo Leivo
Against Whom May the Direct Effect of EC Directives be Relied Upon?

Hans Wassgren
Some Reflections on Restitutio in Integrum Especially in the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights

Book Reviews

Matti S. Kurkela & Petteri Uoti, Arbitration in Finland (Veijo Heiskanen)

I.H. Philepina Diederiks-Verschoor, An Introduction to Space Law (W. Paul Gorrnley)

The Finnish Yearbook of International Law 1991. Volume 2 (W. Paul Gorrnley)

Hungdah Chiu (ed.), Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. Vol. 11 (1991–1992) (Ruth Donner)

Su Yun Chang & Chun-i Chen (eds), Cumulative Index to the Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (Volumes 1 to 10) (Ruth Donner)


Laura Yli-Vakkuri
Preparation and Implementation in Finland of Agreements Concluded in the Framework of the European Union