Vladimir Kopal
United Nations and the Progressive Development of International Space Law
Joni Heliskoski
The “Duty of Cooperation” between the European Community and its Member States within the World Trade Organization
Pekka T. Talari
State Succession in Respect of Debts: the Effects of State Successions in the 1990′s on the Rules of Law
A. Mouri
Iran-United States Claims Tribunal: the Birth of a Twentieth Century Griffin
Ross Kamarul-Baharin
The Spratly Islands: A General Perspective on Choices of Sovereignty, Security and Cooperation Regimes
Shorter Articles, Notes and Comments
Jukka Lindstedt
The Use of Arms by a Superior Against a Subordinate Soldier in the Finnish Army During the Second World War
Hans Wassgren
Enforcing International Humanitarian Norms — Will the Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Stand a Chance of Succeeding?
Adriaan Bos
Punishing War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia: A Critical Juncture for the International Community
Max van der Stoel
Peace and Justice, Power and Principle: From Nurenberg to the Hague
Roman A. Tokarczyk
Biojurisprudence: A New Current in Jurisprudence
J.A.E. Vervaele
Law Enforcement in Community Law Within the First and Third Pillar: Do They Stand Alone?
Juha Raitio
The Interpretation of Community Law
Mahdi Zahraa
Natural Prolongation and Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries
Lotta Lindegren
The Spartly Island Case: Observations and Possible Solution
Sohrab Rabiee
The Decisions of the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal in Expulsin Cases: A Critique
Contents of the Previous Issues of The Finnish Yearbook of International Law